On this page, you can find links to the available downloads. Currently, you can find my old Commodore Amiga software, Amiga tech experiments and projects here.

The following downloads are available:

Audio Mixer 3.1 - a sound effects engine using real time audio mixing to increase the number of sounds that can be played simultaneously.
Dual Layer Graphics - an example program showing several methods for creating a dual layered screens.
Copper Chunky - an example program showing a method of creating a chunky display using the Copper.
CPU Assisted Blitting - an example program demonstrating a way to combine the CPU and Blitter on the A1200
Audio Mixing for Games - an example program showing a method to mix additional audio channels
Free Form Sprite Layer - an example program showing a free form 15/4 colour dual layer screen using sprites
Dual Playfield Fast Bobs - an example program showing how to blit faster, with some restrictions
ASOS 1.35 - a GUI toolkit for AMOS basic on the Amiga.
Breakout v0.99 - a version of the classic game for the Amiga.
Hello World - a multitasking tutorial in C for the Amiga.
Pacman - a version of the classic game for the Amiga.